

联邦工作学习计划(FWS)由联邦政府资助. 这是有意的 to promote and encourage part-time employment of students to assist the University 以及它周围的社区.

FWS may be available for students who meet the priority deadline date and the Federal 政府的资格准则. 这个项目允许学生赚钱来提供帮助 支付教育费用. 这些奖学金不能用于支付学费 还有费用,因为这些费用是整个学期挣来的.

为了获得FWS,您必须完成 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA). The priority deadline is February 1; however, funds may be depleted 在优先级截止日期之前. 因此,你应该尽快申请 在FAFSA于10月1日开放之后.


If FWS is not included in your initial award but you are interested, you may fill 出 联邦工作学习兴趣表.

Students must meet certain eligibility criteria to participate and continue in the 联邦工作学习计划:

  • 在FAFSA上证明有经济需要
  • 良好的学术地位
  • 最少1个.8平均绩点
  • A positive evaluation from the student’s supervisor in the prior academic year for 归国学生雇员

If you worked a 联邦工作研究 placement in the previous academic year and you still meet all of the program criteria, you will be offered 联邦工作研究 in 新学年. 奖励在AP一站式中进行,通知通过 阿卜苏电子邮件. 如果你有兴趣继续, 接受奖项 在AP一站式.


The 金融援助 Office will work with Human 资源 to renew your placement. If 如果需要任何额外的信息或文书工作,我们会通知您. 在你 renewed placement and employment have been finalized, you will receive 电子邮件 notification 从人力资源部来的. 在收到薪水之前,你不能开始工作 人力资源部的批准邮件.

联邦工作研究 awards are made 在AP一站式, and students are notified via 365bet 电子邮件. If you receive an award and want to participate in the program, follow these 步骤:

  • 接受奖项 在AP一站式.
  • 联系财政援助办公室,电话:931-221-7907或 sfao@tsywd.com 要求安排就业预约.
  • 参加就业安排.
    • At your appointment, you will discuss available work study positions and choose the 你最感兴趣的两个.
    • We will send a placement form to your first-choice department and let them know you 表示有兴趣在那里工作吗.
  • Contact your department of interest and speak with the work study supervisor in that area.
    • If both you and the department agree on the position, they will fill 出ir portion 填写实习表,并代您将其交回我们的办公室.
      • If your first choice does not work out, contact the 金融援助 Office at 931-221-7907 or sfao@tsywd.com 这样我们就可以把您的信息发送到您的第二选择部门.
    • Once your placement is returned to the 金融援助 Office, we will process the form 并通知人力资源部你的工作安排. 您将收到一份填写完整的 电子邮件报名表格.
      • 这一过程可能需要长达一周的时间.
  • 参加一个亲自的入职培训.
    • 要注册,请访问FWS安置电子邮件中的链接.
    • 准备入职.
      • During onboarding, you will receive directions ab出 Form I-9, 就业 Eligibility 验证. 填写I-9表格是联邦政府的要求. 确定哪些 接受的文件 带到你即将到来的会议上. 必须提供未过期的正本文件. 数字 不接受图像和复印件.
      • Bring a copy of your completed placement form received from the Student Financial 援助办公室.
    • Follow the steps provided in the session to complete the onboarding process.
  • Wait for an 人力资源部的批准邮件 before beginning 工作或训练.
    • 在你 onboarding session, allow time for your paperwork to be processed.
    • Once everything is completed, you will receive a notification in your 阿卜苏电子邮件 that 你被批准开始工作.
  • 使用这些设置直接存款 指令.

If you have questions during any part of this process, contact the Office of Student 经济援助电话:931-221-7907或 sfao@tsywd.com.

365bet的联邦工作研究雇员的最低工资是9美元.00 /小时. 超过了吗? $9.每小时00美元,由就业部决定. 学生们 两周一次,严格按小时计酬 时间表. Earnings will be direct deposited into the student's designated bank account. 收入 通过联邦勤工俭学挣来的钱不需要偿还.

If funds are available, a student may be employed under 联邦工作研究 during 缺勤一段时间,如夏季学期. 对于这份工作,学生必须 be planning to enroll for the next period of enrollment and must have demonstrated 那段时期的需求. 学生不得超过37岁.每周5小时或7小时.每5小时 不出勤期间的一天.


A student’s net FWS earnings are considered Estimated Financial Assistance (EFA) during 下一学年. 净FWS收益是通过减去税收来确定的 and job-related costs such as transportation and food from a student’s earnings.

  • 完成所有必需的文件.
  • Wait to receive employment authorization 电子邮件 from Human 资源 before beginning 工作或训练.
  • 保持良好的学术成绩.
  • 保持最低GPA为1.8.
  • 保持良好的 令人满意的学业进展.
  • 至少上一半的课.
  • Do not work during 时间表d classes, exam times, or beyond 批准的结束日期.
  • Work no more than the allowed maximum of 20 小时 per week while classes are in session. Once you have earned the maximum yearly amount of your award, you will not be able 继续工作. 一般来说,学生每周的工作时间不应超过20小时 为了维持整个学期的资金
  • 工作时间不要超过7小时.每天5小时.
  • 如果你连续工作6个小时,可以享受30分钟的无薪休息.
  • 提前通知主管缺席或迟到.
  • 提交 a timesheet using the web time entry system before the 时间表d deadline. 迟交或未提交的时间表将延迟直接存款收益.
  • 坚持 一般着装要求.
  • 到达部门准备工作. FWS并不意味着你可以一边学习一边学习 工作.
  • If at any point you are interested in a position reassignment, contact the Office 学生资助计划.
  • Keep in mind that you may be terminated from your FWS assignment and may not be eligible 为重新分配. 适用情况的例子包括但不限于 to, unacceptable behavior in the workplace, incorrect reporting of time, poor attendance, 或者工作表现不佳.
  • Remember that you are terminated when earnings reach the FWS award amount or if you 低于兼职入学,退学或毕业.
  • Your employment is automatically terminated at the end of the academic year, and you 下一学年必须重新申请吗.

Departments must submit completed Placement 形式 along with copies of job descriptions 学生经济援助办公室.


学生可能不会 start their work assignment or training before receiving written 人力资源办公室的批准. 部门主管和学生将 收到人力资源部的电子邮件,其中包含批准的开始日期. 学生可能不会 在上课或考试时间工作.



  • Retain a copy of the completed Placement Form and job description submitted to the 学生资助办公室.
  • Give the student a copy of the completed Placement Form and job description.
  • Ensure that student does not begin their work assignment or training before receiving 人力资源办公室的书面批准.
  • Establish a work 时间表 with the student and explain the duties and responsibilities 关于工作.
  • Review new 员工新员工培训 details and confirm that the student has reviewed new 员工新员工培训 details.
  • Designate a time for student to complete FERPA training during work 时间表.
  • Ensure that student takes a 30-minute unpaid lunch break if 时间表d to work 6 consecutive 小时
  • Notify the 学生资助办公室 if a student does not report to work.
  • Monitor 小时 worked to ensure student does not exceed the yearly award or work beyond 批准的结束日期. 上课期间每周工作时间超过20小时; or 7.在任何情况下每天5小时都是不允许的.
  • 学校放假时允许加班. 如果学生没有出席 当然,他们不能超过37.每周5小时,每年奖励的金额,或 最多7个.每天工作5小时. 
  • 在批准前核实学生上网时间输入的准确性. 时间表是官方的 受联邦政府审计的记录. 主管有责任 这些记录的准确性.
  • 对学生的工作表现进行评估和监督. 评估 是在四月份发给各个部门的吗.
  • Notify the 学生资助办公室 and Human 资源 if a student's placement 终止.

Remember that FWS assignments are terminated when earnings reach the FWS award amount or if the student drops below part-time enrollment, withdraws, or graduates. 美国鱼类和野生动物管理局工作 is automatically terminated at the end of the academic year and the student must reapply 下一学年.